Dead Snow #Netflix365

In Norway a group of people are having a winter get-a-way at a remote cabin in the woods.  A tale is told of a German occupation where a particularly sadistic group of Nazi’s disappear presumably dead.  A box is found, with treasure, in the cabin.  This awakens the Nazi dead (undead).  This is not your typical zombie fare.  These zombies are fast and think beyond just eating your brains, they will eat your brains, but they are organized and can basically think on their own.  This movie is a splatterfest.  If you like zombie movies, Dead Snow is a great take on the genre.  This film is in Norwegian with English subtitles, there is humor, but some is either lost in translation or missed due to missing a line of dialogue.  The one on one scenes with a person and undead are good.  The scenes where there is a horde of zombies running in formation wearing Nazi and German army uniforms is down right awesome.  The choreography of the death scenes are fun with special effects that are over the top in a good way.  There is one character that has a slight resemblance to Bruce Campbell in the Evil Dead, complete with chainsaw and missing limb.

What are you watching?

#Sean Speak

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