Taps #Netflix365

Wouldn’t is be cool if they made a movie with Sean Penn, Tom Cruise, Timothy Hutton and George C. Scott?  They did in 1981.  Taps, an action drama about a military academy with a long history of producing young soldiers.  The leader of the school, played by Scott, has to make a terrible announcement.  The school has been sold and is being made into condominiums.  The cadets to not take this lightly, lead by Hutton, the student warriors take control of the school.  Due to the arms and training of the cadets the Army is called in to negotiate.  Tin soldiers against a real army, Taps is a fantastic movie with a stellar cast.

This was a great cast in 1981 and would be a great cast today as well.  Taps does deliver great drama and decent production value.   If you have not seen Taps I highly suggest that you do.

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