Silver Tongues #Netflix365

Silver Tongues places a couple that enjoys “playing” games.  They take on a scenario and become actors in it, only no one else knows that it is a made up scenario.  One example is that one accuses a pastor of stealing from the collection plate in front of the congregation.  The other plays a police detective who at first finds evidence of the theft ultimately having the congregation turn against the pastor.  At the end of each vignette of deceit the couple “celebrate” with a rough round of choking and sex in the car or woods.  The question arises as to why these people would do this? Is it just for thrills? Or is it to teach a lesson? and Who is the lesson for? (them, the people being tricked or the viewer?)

This is a low budget film with good acting and an adequate story and dialogue.  The problem I had (and was done on purpose I’m sure) was that you at one point  knew that when people were watching you knew the couple was acting.  It is when no one was around that it becomes blurry as to which was an act and which was real life, I just think that this part could have been done a bit better (not sure if it is the script or the editing that could have made this a little more crisp).

What are you watching?


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